miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Celebrate Happy Mother's Day

The 1st Sunday of May (2nd, May) we celebrate the Mother's Day. But you can celebrate this day the rest of the year...help your mum, do your homework, water the plants, wash the dishes, tidy your bedroom,...and give flowers to your mum.

You also can draw a beautiful card with a big "I LOVE YOU MUM" and a kiss. Think about a original present for your mother: a chocolates box, a red rose, a picture, a T-shirt, a fan, etc.

Let's explore Wales!!

Wales (in Welsh: Cymru) is one of the nations of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. It is in the West of the UK. The population is about 3,1 millions of people. The capital is Cardiff (305.000 citizens). The president of Gales is the First Minister.

The name of Wales comes from Wallas, that is "stranger". In this beautiful country, you can see old and fantastic castles, rock beaches and you can eat good meat and fresh sea food.

Wow!! A volcano in Iceland..

This is the active volcano in Iceland. Its name is Eyjafjalla and it is in the south of Iceland. Because of the eruption, it provoked some problems in the airports of many countries in Europe: England, Holland, Norway, Italy,...and Spain.

The smoke and the lava is very compact, so the planes can't fly around these countries. But the scientist say that the problem is going to be smaller everyday.

Use this web www.britishcouncil.org/kids

You can use this web to practise English. There are song, games, readings,...and they are very fun and interesting. When you are on the page, click on FOR CHILDREN, and then click on the songs, games,...

Enjoy the page and improve your English!!